Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Basic Lipstick/Lipgloss Recipe

Everyone has a few lipsticks lying around that they never wear. Either the color is weird, the texture is weird, or there's just something about it that you don't like.

Fortunately, that problem can be fixed! Grab up your yucky lipsticks ladies and let's make some new stuff!

For a basic recipe, you'll need:

  • Your unusable lipstick(s)
  • Vaseline petroleum jelly (or some similar, non-perishable goo for you ladies that won't use petroleum based products.)
  • A small pot - such as an empty Carmex pot or a small screw top container
  • A small microwavable container that you don't really care about - it could become stained
If you don't like the color of the lipstick you have, you'll want to find another lipstick that will change the color of it. If color is just too intense for you, then don't worry about it. If you don't have another lipstick laying around whose color will work with your icky one, stop by the dollar store, K-mart, or Wal-Mart and buy a cheapie one that will work.

If you're trying to make the color work, you need to figure out what other lipstick to add to it that will make it work. Say your red lipstick is too orange and you'd like a more pinkish or blueish based color. You could mix it with a plum or a pink lipstick. Or say your lipstick is way too dark. Use another lipstick IN THE SAME COLOR FAMILY that is much lighter - that way it will lighten up the color.

After you've got all your stuff together, decide on how pigmented you want your lipstick/gloss. If you want it to be bright and opaque, you'll need more lipstick than petroleum jelly. If you REALLY want it to be lipstick-esque, you may not want to add petrol. jelly at all. The more petroleum jelly you add, the sheerer the color will be. Also, be careful not to make so much that it won't all fit in your container.

After you've decided on that, add the lipstick and petrol. jelly to your microwave container. Microwave for 30 secs and then look at the mixture. You may have to stir it a little (I used a butter knife). If it's still fairly solid, microwave for 15 secs and stir again. Keep microwaving at 15 sec intervals until it melts and stirs together well. The colors must be evenly dispersed throughout the petroleum jelly so that they apply to your lips evenly. If you didn't use petroleum jelly, the colors must mix well with each other or the application will be streaky. While the mixture is still liquid-y, scrape it into your container. Place container in fridge until mixture firms up. Apply with your finger or with a lip brush. TaaDaa!


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